'Fake News' explained: How disinformation spreads Covers the issue of disinformation in a nutshell
How we can protect truth in the age of misinformation | TED Sinan Aral In this TED talk, data scientist Sinan Aral explains how and false information spreads rapidly
Here’s How Fake News Works (and How the Internet Can Stop It) | WIRED Explains the working of fake news through a study of cases
How false news can spread - Noah Tavlin Explains how circular referencing has played major role in spreading misinformation
The Dangers of the Internet talks the pressing problems that has arisen due to the internet
Social Media Dangers Exposed by Mom Posing as 11-Year-Old a short documentary that exposes the dangers related to catfish
Google Safety Center Playlist this playlist by google has short videos covering the common online threats
Psychological Targeting: What Your Digital Footprints Reveal About You | Sandra Matz | TEDxChicago Data Scientist Sandra Matz talks explains what our digital footprints can tell about us
Four Reasons to Care About Your Digital Footprint talks about the need to monitor our digital footprint
The Beginner’s Guide to Privacy Online! Talk about tools and techniques to maintain a healthy online privacy
Why Care About Internet Privacy? Briefly explains why we need to be concerned about our online privacy