What we do

We use design thinking and results-based management approaches to work under five broad areas (SLIDE) – Sustainability and Climate Action, Lifelong Learning, Innovative and Inclusive Education, Digital Transformation, and Education in Emergencies.

Sustainability and Climate Adaptation

We understand that for future generations to get access to the resources this planet has to offer requires the current generation to adapt to sustainable and environment friendly practices. We engage with local and international experts in contextualizing climate actions to fit the local narrative in Nepal.

हाम्रै हातमा प्रकृति

Lifelong Learning

We believe that education need not be limited to the learning that occurs inside the classroom in schools and universities. We focus on enabling semi formal learning spaces like workplaces and homes to allow experimentation with different pedagogical approaches to support and encourage professional’s continued learning.

SAReMC, Building up STEAM

Innovative and Inclusive Education

We work to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education through innovation. We believe that innovation in education is more than introducing new technology in learning, it’s about designing situated learning experiences that enable students to not only solve problems but express themselves.

PEBL, ESAF Nepal, COVID19 Emergency Response, Building up STEAM, Hasdai Kheldai

Digital Transformation

We enable Nepali people to use technology responsibly to learn, create and participate in the digital world, and help them become good digital citizens. We create contextual resources that help people adapt digital tools and content while also making sure of its responsible use.

SAReMC, Digital Citizenship Toolkit

Education in Emergencies

We support and strengthen educational institutions and systems in times of emergencies ensuring that people continue to have access to quality learning experiences during times of crisis. We focus on building a capable and resilient education system to reduce negative impacts of emergencies on student learning.

COVID-19 Emergency Response for Nepal (Education Support Program), PEBL

Website by: Curves n' Colors

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