Adaptive Management
KS uses the Result Based Management (RBM) approach to define project impacts, outcomes, outputs and corresponding indicators such that there are clear linkages enabling a process for the effective and efficient allocation of project resources. The RBM approach not only allows for the conceptualization and development of project strategies but also allows for their monitoring and evaluation. This enables a learning strategy and paves the way for the implementation of adaptive management based on immediate changes in the project environment.
KS’s own design thinking approach TMPI, which stands for Think Make Play Improve, is an adaptive, non-linear, iterative, and learning oriented approach to management. Applying the TMPI philosophy, KS approaches its work as a series of cycles where planning occurs (Think), action is initiated (Make), activities are conducted in partnership with others, (Play) and a reflection phase where insights are generated/learnings are realized (Improve). After the Improve phase, the project begins another TMPI cycle starting at a Think phase. TMPI is thus a non-linear iterative approach to management that has built in opportunities to gather information about the environment at a given time i.e., is context aware, to reflect on one’s actions and generate insights about them i.e. enables learning, and to adjust one’s behaviors based on changes in the context and new insights i.e. is adaptive.