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Uncle Carl and His Antique Car

Author : Obai Al-Alloush

Ken doesn't like passing by uncle Carl and his antique car because he will ask him to push his car as it doesn't start easily. But what will happen when uncle Carl has to sell his car?

कार्ल अङ्कलको पुरानो गाडी

केनलाई बाटोमा अङ्कल कार्ल र उनको थोत्रो गाडी बाटोमा भेट्न मन लाग्दैन, किनभने अङ्कल कार्लले उनलाई आफ्नो स्टार्ट नहुने गाडीलाई ठेल्न लाँउछन्। तर अङ्कल कार्ललाई गाडी बेच्न कर लागेपछि के हुन्छ?