Creating Digital Content
Lessons and Classroom Activities

1. Content creation process for graphic design
Teacher Guide (English)
Teacher Guide (Nepali)
Presentation Slides (English)
Presentation Slides (Nepali)
TMPI | Karkhana: a lesson from the Digital Citizenship textbook by Karkhana where we explain the TMPI cycle using the paper tower challenge activity.

2. Intellectual Property and Copyright
Teacher Guide (English)
Teacher Guide (Nepali)
Presentation Slides (English)
Presentation Slides (Nepali)
Can I use it?| Karkhana: A lesson from the Digital Citizenship textbook by Karkhana where we talk about the do’s and don'ts regarding intellectual property and copyright.

3. Generating ideas for digital contents
Karkhana Blogs

1. Intellectual Property and Copyright
Debatable cases on copyright - In this blog, we present two cases of copyright violation which had stirred debates and compelled the legal authorities to think deeper about what copyright means
Creative commons - What does it mean when something is licensed under the creative commons? What are its types? What rights do they grant the user? We’ll answer these questions in this blog.
Exceptions to copyright - Copyright law has made room for some exceptions where the protected materials can be used without permission from the author. In this blog, we explore this matter.

2. Content Creation Process for graphic design
TMPI and content creation process - TMPI has been the core of Karkhana since its founding days. In this blog, we share this process with our readers.
A graphic designer’s Experience - In this blog, we have documented the interview of a graphic designer who has been closely working with karkhana for many years.

3. Generating ideas for digital contents
Generating ideas with divergent thinking - How do you generate ideas? There are some techniques that help in the process. In this blog we have written about the mind mapping technique we use at Karkhana.
Choosing ideas with convergent thinking - Once you have generated a bunch of ideas, how do you pick the most appropriate one? In this blog we explore techniques that make the task easier.
1. Intellectual Property and Copyright
Introduction to Intellectual Property | Crash Course discusses the three major elements of IP: Copyright, Patents, and Trademarks.
Copyright Basics | Copyright Clearance Center explains the basics of U.S. copyright law and how it affects you at work.
Copyright Basics | Crash Course teaches the basics of copyright in the United States. These basics apply to most countries with minor variations.
YouTube's Copyright System Isn't Broken. The World's Is. explores the recent debates about copyright issues on YouTube and in the process provides knowledge about the nuances of copyright.
2. Content creation process for graphic design
Creating Quality Digital Content | Deakin Library covers planning, showcasing your skills and considerations when publishing online
Canva Tutorial for Beginners teaches how to use Canva for beginners, and shares a few advanced tips
The Video Production Process explains the 8 key steps of video production process
3. Why Disinformation Spreads
The Power of a Mind to Map: Tony Buzan at TEDxSquareMile talks about the effectiveness of mind maps
Generating Ideas with Divergent Thinking describes a list of divergent thinking strategies with explanations of how this type of thinking can be applied to Design Situations
Divergent Thinking vs Convergent Thinking introduces divergent and convergent thinking in comparison to each other
Other Reading Resources
1. Search and Research using Google
Finding Public Domain & Creative Commons Media | Harvard Law School helps you find and correctly attribute public domain and Creative Commons media for your project or presentation.
Attributing Creative Commons Materials | Creative Commons teaches how to correctly attribute contents licensed under the Creative Commons
Copyright FAQs | Stanford Libraries answers some FAQs on copyright
Fair Use | Stanford Libraries explores the Fair Use exception to copyright
2. Content creation process for graphic design
Tutorials | Canva some tutorials on Canva by Canva team
How to Write a Blog Postteaches the process of writing blogs through a step-by-step guide
Video Production Process discusses video production in detail
Sustainable Content Creation talks about why many content creators eventually burn out and revert back to day jobs
3. Generating ideas for digital contents
Divergent Thinking: The Mental Muscle Behind Consistent Creative Output talks about how divergent thinking is linked to creativity
How to use mind mapping for idea generation breaks down the process of idea generation using mindmaps