Our Making Spaces

Supported by: The Rogers Foundation

Panchakanya Making Space

Panchakanya has a special place for making things, with a focus on Robotics and Coding. But the school doesn’t want the space to be just about robots and coding, they want all teachers, no matter what subjects they teach, to be able to use this space to teach different subjects.

Saraswati Niketan Making Space

The Making Space in the Saraswati Niketan school shares its space with the school library. The theme of the space is Novel Engineering, an approach pioneered by Center of Engineering and Outreach, Tufts University to integrate engineering and literacy. In the space students use the books in the library as the basis of engineering design challenges that help them identify problems, design solutions and engage in the engineering design process while building on their literacy skills.

NIMS Making Space

Initially, NIMS planned to create a robotics-themed Making Space. The idea was to establish an inclusive space for all types of hands-on activities, repurpose their old carpentry workshop, and host after-school activities. However, the concept evolved during the build.

Now, NIMS has a dedicated space for students from grades 1 to 10 with a specific curriculum, allowing students to engage in these activities during regular school hours. Recognizing a gap in hands-on activities in many schools, NIMS also aims to create an inclusive robotics space accessible to neighboring schools. This space will have shared resources and regular events.

Shramjit Making Space

Shramjit School has established a space dedicated to art, craft, and electrical repairs. The aim is for students to learn job skills and express their creativity in this area. Beyond just being a learning environment, the school intends the space to foster a sense of community among students.

KUHS Making Space

Kathmandu University High School (KUHS) aspires to be recognized as a leading school in producing students with substantial knowledge in robotics. Hence, they have created a dedicated making space with a focus on robotics. This space is currently utilized for after-school programs for its residential students.

In addition, KUHS plans to make this space and its resources available to neighboring schools.

Website by: Curves n' Colors

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